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Blog Writer’s Log

Star date 17.6.19:01.19

Starship KCR104.5


Over half the designated parsec frame has elapsed since requests have gone out for written inter-personal communications and, although some responses have been received, the level of communiques is still below what we know is possible.


It appears the inhabitants of the planet below, while understandably engaged in familial matters such as graduations, weddings, beach parties, disco-dancing, baseball games, grilling, and an inexplicable activity referred to by the natives as “hanging out,” are unable to comply with our request for words strung together in subject-verb-object order and directed to our location either electronically or via the ancient methods involving wood fibers compressed into sheets and primitive writing instruments which apply a thin line of rapidly-drying colorant called, “ink.” 


The captain has put out a call for more power, but (in the words of our Chief Engineer) “we canna rejuvenate the dilithium crystals at this response rate” as he is “an engineer, not a magician, Jim!”  


We have no word on who “Jim” is. Current personnel logs show no crew member by that name, but past experience has shown a negative correlation between correcting the Chief Engineer when he gets like this and the success of any venture. 


Let us say some hard lessons have been learned in the past.


The entire Communications Staff has repeatedly sent various calls out over the airwaves via our signal-dispersing equipment, some even employing something called “humor” and we have met with some success, but we continue to strive for an even greater response rate. 


The Chief Science Officer has suggested using the Transporter to beam down to the planet and communicate directly with the inhabitants, but he concedes that our unexpected appearance could cause an emotional and illogical response among them. He has arranged for a user-friendly interface via the planet’s existing but primitive “World-wide web.” 


Our Tactical Officer’s only suggestions so far have been muttered in an indistinguishable and incoherent sub-dialect of Klingon. They have been no use to us so far.  


Meanwhile, the bridge crew continues to process responses garnered to this point. Reports of “heart-warming testimonies” and “genuine affection for our mission” are common and continue to boost moral among the entire crew. We yearn for each such message we receive and eagerly await their arrival each passing time unit. Tokens of our esteem specifically chose to show our gratitude will be sent to all who respond. 


We continue to thank Mission Control for all those involved. 


Respectfully signing off until further notice, Starship Pvt. Dan Jones


Translation: It’s still June Letter Month at Kinship Christian Radio and your emails and letters are needed and greatly appreciated! We thank our Lord Jesus Christ for every response!


Here’s a handy link to do so:


And, when you do so, you can choose from one of the following gifts:


Today’s Praise

Because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come boldly and confidently into God’s presence. Ephesians 3:12 (NLT)





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