Mornings with Ryan and Beth

About the show...

Hi, we’re Ryan and Beth, followers of Jesus, just like you. We just happen to be on the radio and we’re doing life with you in Southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa. It’s a great place to live…Yeah, sure, ya betcha!

Ryan is married with seven kids. Beth is single and has a dog. We’re two very different people, just on the same path to be more like Jesus. We invite you to come along!

On Today's Show

What Day Is It?

Burning Question:

What Bible verse or story motivates you to keep pushing forward in faith?

Morning Devotional:

A long-awaited moment finally arrived last night. The bathroom remodeling project in my home is finally complete!

My contractor and I took a moment to admire the new room yesterday evening and as we did, I complimented him on the amazing work he and his crew had done. His crew includes his son, who did a large chunk of the project on his own. My contractor went on to say that while he wished his son would have chosen the college route, he knew his son was very talented and would be very successful continuing in the construction business.

I wholeheartedly agreed, telling him I wasn’t surprised he chose to follow in his father’s footsteps. I also pondered that conversation for some time last night, thinking about how we all need to be doing the same thing. 

What parent hasn’t seen their child try and imitate their actions? Children have this incredible desire to be like their parents and do the things they do. It’s part of a loving relationship. It makes perfect sense to me that Paul, in Ephesians 5:1, tells us to “be imitators of God, as beloved children.” Our Father loves us like crazy, and we are to do what He does as a show of love in return. 

Our heavenly Father loves us and leads us in the way we are to go. Are we faithfully following Him, and are we working to imitate the goodness and love that He shows to you each and every day? I pray so.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who prophesied continual war for King Asa and was put in prison?

Answer:  Hanani  (2 Chronicles 16:10)

Storytime: Kalvary taking Piano Lessons.

Just One More Thing!

Today's Scripture
In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. -- 1 Peter 1:6-7

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    About our hosts...

    Ryan hails from London, Ohio. Growing up, he was loud and you could always hear him coming. After high school, Ryan went to Cedarville University majoring in communications. Ryan’s career has brought him to KIAM Radio network in Nenana, Alaska. Upon returning to Ohio, he worked for Cox Broadcasting in Dayton (K99.1, 1290 WHIO), Salem Radio Network in Columbus (880 WRFD) and mostly recently he worked fifteen years for Strong Tower Christian Media in Xenia (Hope 100.7, 93.7 the Light). Ryan founded and ran a low power station in London (WCYC-LP).

    Ryan and his wife Kris have seven children and they enjoy hiking Minnesota’s trails. He also likes to fish, hunt, and forage for edible mushrooms.

    Beth is Kinship Radio’s Program Director and on-air host. She was born in northwestern Wisconsin and grew up in the Twin Cities area, calling both places home.  Beth began performing at an early age and was active in community theatre, band and choir for much of her childhood.  She attended Minnesota State University in Mankato where she earned her bachelor’s degree in music. 

    Beth has been active as a vocalist, worship leader, speaker, and journalist at a community newspaper. In her spare time, Beth enjoys crafts, snuggling with her dog, Zoey, and being an aunt to her three nieces.