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by Dan Jones

(Photo by Allen Jones)

No doubt you have seen something on Kinship Christian Radio’s Facebook page about our attendance at the National Religious Broadcaster’s convention in Nashville, Tennessee, last week.


I was privileged and blessed to be able to attend this year and would like to extend my thanks to Executive Director Matt Dorfner and Kinship Christian Radio’s Board of Directors for this opportunity.


For those of you who listen to and (most likely) support Kinship Christian Radio, I’d like to assure you that there are literally thousands of excellent organizations and many, many very talented and capable people diligently working to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of the United States, and indeed, the world. 


If you believe (as some in the secular media would very much like you to believe) that the United States is a post-Christian nation and are discouraged because it seems that we are in an irreversible moral decline, you might want to do a web search for Vice President Mike Pence’s speech to the NRB on it’s opening day.


Pence told the story of how two of his children came forward to pray at a Billy Graham crusade in 1999. “I’ll always believe in my heart of hearts that night, that walk, and that prayer – just like it did for millions of Americans – made a lasting difference.”


Pence said Graham’s message “transcended politics” and encouraged all those present to carry forth that very same message.


If you think revival will never happen in this country in your lifetime, know that there are untold numbers of very capable Christians with hearts for revival praying and going forth and singing and making movies and writing books and blogging and podcasting and preaching and just doing the good works that our Father in heaven appointed for them to do since the beginning of time.


Pastor Rick Warren spoke about the necessity of unity within the church to bring about revival. That unity would need to include racial reconciliation, Warren said, and to that end he was joined on stage by 87 year-old minister Dr. John M. Perkins.  Perkins, although a third-grade dropout from New Hebron, Mississippi, now holds 14 honorary doctorate degrees. I look forward to reading his book, “One Blood, Parting Words to the Church on Race.” As a side note, I met Dr. Perkins on a sidewalk in the hotel and he told me he likes Minnesotans because of that “My Pillow guy.” (Mike Lindell was one of the sponsors of the event. I saw him in the hall, but he was moving so fast I barely had time to say to myself, “Hey, it’s that My Pillow guy!”)


Many of you may have noticed that the frequency and the quality of Christian movies has been increasing in the last several years and I am happy to report that you have much to look forward to in the future. Look for “Unbroken: Path to Redemption,” “I Can Only Imagine,” “God’s Not Dead, A Light in the Darkness,” and “Paul, Apostle of Christ” in theaters this year.


All-in-all, there is much to be encouraged about, my brothers and sisters in Christ. What I have written above is just a tiny fraction of all that took place and I truly believe the connections your Kinship staff made and the things they learned will bless you as you continue to receive the love of Jesus Christ in your homes, your cars, or wherever you may be when you tune in.


In my humble opinion, the one event that epitomized what Christian broadcasting is all about was the performance of the Korean Children’s Choir. These wonderful young people serve as ambassadors for the Far East Broadcasting Company, (FEBC) which sends the gospel into North and South Korea, Japan, Russia, China, and many other countries. There were over two dozen children dressed in colorful and interesting costumes, dancing and beautifully singing “Amazing Grace” and “God Bless America.” When they had finished their performance, the children came down into the audience and everybody got an individual hug and a “God Bless You.” 


FEBC broadcasts in 149 different languages and may very soon bring the Gospel to 43 million souls. And every soul that receives Christ feels that individual love and the blessing of a God who gave his one and only Son to save their soul.


Today’s Praise

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. But I ask: Did they not hear? Of course they did:

“Their voice has gone out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”

Romans 10:17&18 (NIV)






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