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Kinship Radio has long been an advocate of reading and engaging the Bible –but that’s no surprise to anyone. You hear it on the air every day. 


What is surprising are some statistics compiled by the Center for Bible Engagement that shows people who read or listen to the Bible at least four times a week have some amazing effects in their lives:


  1. Feeling lonely drops 30%
  2. Anger issues drop 32%
  3. Bitterness in relationships drops 40%
  4. Alcoholism drops 57%
  5. Sex outside of marriage drops 68%
  6. Feeling spiritually stagnant drops 60%
  7. Viewing pornography drops 61%
  8. Sharing your faith jumps 200%
  9. Discipling others jumps 230%


That’s a lot of societal problems that are very significantly changed by simply engaging with God’s Word! 


It’s also extraordinarily relevant as we in the United States set aside Thursday, November 28, to thank God for all He has done in our lives.


Most of us enjoy a level of comfort and security and wealth not just unknown to most of the world, but for billions of people throughout the past and even the present, a level of ease that is unimaginably, even miraculously, blessed. 


But all of the physical comforts and advantages we enjoy are surpassed beyond our comprehension by the love of God lavished on us in His Son, our LORD Jesus Christ. The cross and the empty tomb have made it possible for us to come boldly before the very throne of  God the Father as spotless and clean as if we were newly-created! And, He has put His own Holy Spirit in us as a guarantee and seal of our adoption into His royal family and an eternal inheritance with Him! 


That’s amazing stuff –and He had it all written down for us!


No wonder spending time in His love letter to us carries with it such great and wonderful blessings! 



Today’s Praise 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

“Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (NLT)

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