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Where’s Jesus?

“Ryan, get away from there!” my sister-in-law Joy shouted, her voice cutting through the laughter of our family reunion. Over the holidays, we gathered all the grandkids—15 in total—for a group photo. My seven kids, my sister’s five, and my brother’s three lined up perfectly for the shot.

As Joy worked to frame the picture, I saw my chance. Standing about 50 feet back, I poked my head into the side of the frame, just enough to make myself part of the scene. Before Joy realized it, she snapped a few shots. Later, when we reviewed the pictures, there I was—a tiny, smiling face nestled between the grandkids. It’s my greatest photobomb ever!

That little moment reminded me of something deeper: Jesus is always present, sometimes in ways we don’t immediately notice. He’s in our daily interactions, in the beauty of creation, and in the quiet whispers of encouragement we feel in our hearts. The Bible reminds us of this truth in Matthew 28:20 where Jesus says, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Like my photobomb, Jesus is in the picture of your life whether you’re looking for Him or not. Unlike me sneaking into a frame, Jesus isn’t hidden—and He’s waiting for you to notice Him.

So, as you go about your day, look for Jesus in the little moments. When you find Him, you’ll discover a joy and peace that far surpasses any crazy photobomb.


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