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What if…

By 04/15/2015One Comment

What if you are the answer to someone’s prayer?

We exist in the here and now, but God…

God exists in the past, the present, and the future—all at once.

What if He accomplishes multiple things on multiple levels in ways that are beyond our comprehension?

He is God, after all.

And He is not limited.

At all … in any way.

We are flesh and blood.

But He is The Way. He is truth and spirit and light and love.

All at once.

And He created each of us for a reason– with wants and needs and desires and all that complicated stuff that is swirling within the realm of “free will,”

…so that we could love.

Yes, so that we could love. 

So that we could love aunts and uncles and cousins and friends and brothers and sisters and all sorts of people.

Yes, even the weird guy next door.

So that we could love coworkers, and relatives, and the homeless guy you have never met but you sent a check to a ministry that fed him.

Or the lady lying in her bed who can’t sleep because she’s so worried all she can do is pray and the radio is on in the background and, in the middle or her prayer, while she is crying, a line from that song tells her no matter how high the waters will rise or how fiercely the storms will rage…

He will never forsake her or leave her.

And she is given the peace to rest and recharge and go out the next day 
and love.

And His kingdom grows.

Today’s Praise

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior.
  –lyrics from “Oceans” (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong United.

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