by Dan Jones
This past weekend, an event called “Awaken the Dawn” took place on the National Mall in Washington DC.
It took place for four days, from October 6 – 9, and featured 24/7 praise and worship of God. There were tents from all 50 states with people praying for awakening and revival to change the direction of the nation. There was preaching and prayer and worship all the way from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial.
At one point, a man named Mark Gonzales of the Hispanic Action Network led prayer for all of God’s people to come together to show a divided nation there’s just one race in God’s eyes — the human race.
Those are wonderful powerful words, and from what I can tell, there were others speaking God’s truth in power and in Spirit.
But I can’t find a single credible report of this event from any of the main stream media.
Maybe it’s because prior to the event, some were referring to it as a “Holy Spirit Woodstock.”
In the end, I don’t know for sure what happened there or how many people were in attendance.
A report from Christian Broadcast News does quote a number of people talking about changing this nation through worship, praise, and prayer– but the details are thin and sketchy.
I’m interested in this because I’ve been praying with a small group of people for awakening, repentance, and revival for this nation for a couple of years now. .
And I have this ache in my soul that feels like revival is going to burst forth like the sun coming over the horizon in the morning. I don’t know how or when or through whom that revival will come, but every once in a while, I hear evidence of a glow of the Holy Spirit lighting up the base of the clouds from some stray article on the internet, or a news story on SRN News, or in the lyrics of the songs on Kinship Christian Radio.
So I know others long for revival and they too can feel the dawn about to break.
God’s Word says there will be a remnant. There will always be a little flame of the Holy Spirit glowing.
So I have not lost hope. I know the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it because the light comes from the One in whom there is no darkness at all.
And I know the darkness does not even like to look at the light, let alone acknowledge it exists.
And I have learned to be patient. The sun rises when it will and not a moment sooner.
I know love wins, I just don’t know when.
Today’s Praise
So too at the present time there is a remnant, chosen by grace. Romans 11:5 (ESV)