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Thank You!

By 11/23/2017December 14th, 2017No Comments

by Dan Jones


Lord, thank you for Kinship Christian Radio.

Thank you for opening up the windows of heaven and blessing Kinship Christian Radio with an abundance of love and support during its Share-A-Thon! Thank you for the amazing outpouring of generosity that will allow the ministry to go on faithfully sharing your love, your mercy, and your truth by continuing to proclaim that Jesus is LORD!

Thank you for the people who shared their talents and abilities to bless the Kinship ministry in so many ways. From cooking and cleaning, to organizing and tabulating, to record-keeping and answering phones, to loading up their vehicles and hauling things to various locations for various events, thank you for every soul that helped in any way.

Thank you for enabling the Kinship Christian Radio Board of Directors to lead and guide the ministry to do your will.

Thank you for those who publicly shared their testimonies of your great power and grace in their lives over the air.

Thank you for the prayers of so many people asking you to bless Share-A-Thon and the ministry.

Thank you for your protection over all the people involved, over all the travel required, over all the things could have gone wrong and didn’t.

Thank you for turning all the things that did go wrong into blessings that show what a faithful and good God you are.

Thank you, Lord, for all those who so generously shared out of the abundance you have given them.

Thank you for those who used their gifts to encourage others to give.

Thank you, Holy Spirit, that you moved people to generosity and gave them the words to speak.

Thank you for listeners who tell friends and neighbors about what they find on Kinship Christian Radio, that the ministry would grow.

Thank you for the Kinship staff who went that extra mile to do the very best they could (and more!) to bless the ministry.

Thank you for the families that supported and encouraged staff and volunteers with their love during Share-A-Thon. Thank you for your protection over all those family members during Share-A-Thon. (Especially over a brand-new four pound, one ounce family member!)

Thank you to churches, congregations,  and pastors who donated their facilities, staff, and equipment for Kinship events and spread the word about those events.

Thank you to those who donated food, materials, supplies, and their time to bless Share-A-Thon.

Thank you for Christian artists and musicians who bring the message of Jesus’ love into hearts and souls with the gifts you have given them.

Thank you for pastors and preachers and all who speak the truth of the Gospel over the airwaves that minds and hearts would be edified, uplifted, and encouraged and souls would be saved.

Thank you for people and organizations that supply teaching and preaching and music for Kinship Christian Radio to share with its listeners.

Thank you for the companies that supply the tools and equipment that make it possible for the Kinship Christian Radio signal to reach almost all of southern Minnesota, a large part of the metro area, and northern Iowa.

Thank you for the skilled professionals who use those tools to keep the equipment sending out those signals every day, all day under all conditions.

But most of all, Lord, thank you that Jesus died on that cross and rose from the dead just like He said He would so that whosoever would believe would not perish but would have eternal life!

Thank you that you have chosen and blessed and entrusted Kinship Christian Radio to bring that message to anyone and everyone listening.

Let all be to your glory!


Today’s Praise

All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 4:15 NIV

















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