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So, should we be shocked and offended as the world around us plunges ever deeper into a swirling maelstrom of neo-pagan depravity and cesspool-sexuality specifically designed to mock and offend Christians? As Biblically-founded, born-again, new creations in Christ lead and filled with the Holy Spirit, whatever should our response be? What should we do? 

That’s right!

Random Acts of Kindness! 

It’s right there in Romans 12:21:

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (NIV)

Our mission is simple: Spread some happiness and joy by participating in Random Acts of Kindness Week August 5th-9th. 

That’s it. Do nice things for people simply because God loves people!  

Whether it’s mowing a neighbor’s lawn, paying for the coffee order behind you in the drive thru, or even just smiling at a stranger, we want to hear about your random acts of kindness!  And if someone does a random act of kindness for you, we want to hear that too!

Submit your moments using the form at the bottom of the page on our website here:  Or, you can also text us at 800-810-5559.

People are already doing it! Here’s a sample from our web page:

“On my way to work one morning in early June (once school had dismissed for the summer), I drove by two teen boys attempting to play basketball on the street edge of their home. The ball they were using was very old, faded, and didn’t even bounce. My basketball players have all grown up and moved on in life, so I went home and found the best basketball in our sports equipment bin. As I drove to work, I stopped, no one around, and I left that ball under their hoop before driving off. I have yet to catch them out playing but likely, teens aren’t up as early as I’m driving by!”

No one in the history of the world has changed the world more than Jesus Christ –and He did it with a love so high and wide and deep and long it’s beyond our ability to fully comprehend.  

Show the world He’s not done yet!


Today’s Praise

Matthew 5:14

“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” (NLT)

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Michele Greseth says:

    We were heading to a store in Minnesota when we ran out of gas in front of a garden center called the Mustard Seed- a gentleman came out, asked us what was wrong, came back with a full gas can and filled our tank. he refused our offer to pay him. We later came back and purchased some items from the center in an attempt to repay his kindness. We later found out that that garden center was owned by a local ministry! (of course!) God Bless them and their Ministry!

  • Rod Miller says:

    I find great joy in ryding (spelling is correct) my spyder up to gaggle of kids selling lemonade or cool-aid or water, listening to the variety of earnest sales pitches, telling them I can’t drink it because of my helmet! Their puzzled looks are comical when I hand them a few bucks and drive off!

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