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Morning Devotional:

 It can be scary to watch.  Have you ever watched an angry disagreement from the beginning? Usually, I only notice when the conflict explodes. But have you ever been in the conversation where it simmers, simmers, and then finally just explodes?

I can relate. I also have a hard time confronting people. If someone says something mean, I usually suppress how I feel until that person or someone else comes along and says or does something else mean. After a while, I blow up.

Maybe that’s why the apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:26 said, “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry.” Providing a time limit on unresolved issues keeps anger in check. Instead of stewing over a wrong, which is a breeding ground for bitterness, we can ask God for help to “[speak] the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15).

Got a problem with someone? Rather than hold it in, hold it up to God first. He can fight the fire of anger with the power of His forgiveness and love.


Burning Question:

When did you keep your cool? 

Bible Quiz:

Question:What croaking birds fed Elijah in his solitude by the brook Cherith?

Answer:  Ravens 1 Kings 17:4-6

Storytime: So much for Father of the Year

Just One More Thing


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