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What Day is It?

Morning Devotional:

I couldn’t help… Just had to lay there.

Last Wednesday, I found myself under the weather. Despite not feeling my best, I pushed through the day at work, grappling with persistent stomach discomfort. By late afternoon, around 4 or 5, my energy was depleted. Typically, Wednesday evenings are dedicated to attending church for the kids’ program, Awana, and our older children’s youth group. However, on this particular day, I just could do it

My wife, Kris, stepped in admirably. She seamlessly shouldered the burden, preparing the children, taking them to church, and managing the evening’s activities. Meanwhile, I rested, grappling with a hint of guilt. It dawned on me, though, that we won’t always be able to accomplish everything, and that’s perfectly okay. In moments when we falter, it’s a blessing when others step forward to lend a hand.

Reflecting on this experience, a biblical perspective comes to mind. In Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV), it says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” This beautifully encapsulates the essence of our interconnectedness within the body of Christ.

I am reminded of the remarkable way the body of Christ functions in unity. In times of illness or emergencies, when one member stumbles, others willingly step in to fill the gaps. It’s a testament to the love and support that permeates our faith community. Let us embrace these moments of interdependence, recognizing that, as a unified body, we can navigate life’s challenges more effectively.


The Burning Question:

What was a hard season you’ve walked through and what did God teach you through it?

Bible Quiz:


What Servant had a dream of three breadbaskets?


Pharaohs Baker Genesis 40:16-17

Storytime: Intentional Seating arrangements!

Just one More Thing!

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