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Morning Devotional:

Presents pile up, then gather dust. Socks, sweaters, another coffee mug… the holiday haul rarely ignites lasting joy. Instead, let’s explore a currency that never depreciates: gratitude.

Remember the widow in Mark 12? Two paltry coins tossed into the treasury – a pittance compared to bulging purses. Yet, Jesus called her offering magnificent. Why? Because her heart overflowed. Like the widow, true generosity isn’t measured in zeros on a price tag, but in the depth of our thanks.

But how often do we express that depth? How often do we tell the friends who light our paths, “You bring sunshine to my life”? Or whisper to the quiet heroes behind the scenes, “I see you, and I’m grateful”?

Scripture, in Colossians 3:15, whispers a radical truth: “Give thanks in all circumstances.” Even when life throws us curveballs, even then, gratitude can be found. Like a sunrise whispering hope, or a friend’s hand in the darkness. These seemingly small drops fill our cup of joy to the brim.

So, Take a moment to reflect. Who deserves a heartfelt “thank you” from you today? Jot a note, make a call, or embrace them with a smile. And don’t forget the ultimate giver – the One who crafted your story, offers unwavering guidance, and the promise of eternity. That, my friend, is something to truly be thankful for.


The Burning Question:

Who most deserves a thank you note from you?  

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who sent 2 of his servants to fetch Peter from Joppa?

Answer:  Cornelius Acts 10:7-8

Storytime:  Mercy wanted to try Egg Nog!

Just one More Thing

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