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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

What big summer project are you contemplating?

Morning Devotional:

My wife always has big ideas about things we can do with our house.  Big house projects stress me out…  and can make me hard to work with, but I got to remember that my attitude matters. How I interact with my wife and kids matters. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the stress of the project and forget that they’re the reason we’re doing it in the first place. A beautiful home is lovely, but a loving home is priceless.

Scripture: Proverbs 15:18 “A hot temper stirs up strife, but a patient person calms a quarrel.” (NIV)

Let’s take a deep breath and remember what truly matters. By choosing patience and kindness, we can navigate these projects with less stress and create a more positive atmosphere for everyone. The finished product will be even sweeter knowing we built it with love alongside our families.


Bible Quiz:


What Prophet predicted that the Messiah would enter riding on a donkey?


Zechariah 9:9

Storytime: She Got him!

Just one More Thing!

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