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Morning Devotional:

When I was younger I used to journal a lot, and I have dozens of journals that I have written over the years. I was feeling a little nostalgic last night so I spent some time reading some of my old journals and diaries from 20 and 30 years ago, from both before and after I came to know Jesus Christ as my savior.  The difference in tone between the two was dramatic to say the least. They went from feelings of hopelessness to expressions of joy and thankfulness.  The change was obvious – the change was Jesus. 

I ended up spending some time on my knees, marveling at God’s faithfulness and thanking Him for what he had done in my life. Have you ever done that?  Have you ever found yourself in the place where you are so fantastically reminded of how far you have come in your faith walk and how wonderful it is to know Christ?  I can’t help but echo Paul’s in 2 Corinthians 9:15, where he exclaims, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” I am so thankful for what He has done in my life – and I hope I can live every day reminded of the new beginning He has given me. 

– Beth

Burning Question:

It’s the National Day of Prayer.  What is the main subject of your prayer today?

Bible Quiz:

Question: Who saw the back of God since he could not bear to see Him face to face?

Answer:  Moses (Exodus 33:23)


Just One More Thing

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