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Morning Devotional:

About fifteen years or so ago, my mother and I went on an all expenses paid trip to New York City.  One of our stops was Rockefeller Center in midtown Manhattan and the iconic Atlas statue which stands on the grounds. You’re probably familiar with it – it’s a statue of the Greek god Atlas holding the heavens, the entire weight of the universe on his shoulders. I remember looking at it and thinking two things. One, what an interesting work of art; and two, that thing he’s carrying has to be heavy. To deal with that kind of burden on your back has to be something!

It’s a beautiful piece of art but the significance of the image was not lost on me. How often do we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders?  Far too often as far as I’m concerned. That’s why I am glad that when I find myself shouldered with the weight of my burdens and cares, God promises to take the weight for me. Psalm 68:19 says, “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.”  Go ahead and give your heavy load to the Lord today.  He can take it.  He’ll even carry you, too.

– Beth

Burning Question:

Tell us a story about your favorite storyteller.

Bible Quiz:

Question: What church had two bickering women named Euodia and Syntyche?

Answer:  Phillipi  (Philippians 4:1-3)

Storytime: The Sink was GONE!

Just One More Thing

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