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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

It’s World Awkward Moments Day.  What is your least favorite day-to-day awkward situation?

Morning Devotional:

I have a great appreciation for safety devices and in this day and age, we are blessed with a lot of them. I have a couple of prescription pill bottles that are an absolute bear to open, as they should be if a child were to get a hold of them. I used to be terrible at wearing a seatbelt but now I don’t feel right if I’m not buckled in. I was driving a car the other day that had a warning system if you started to veer over the center lane. Nice feature, right? To be honest, the feature was getting a little too much use for my own good. 

There are times when we complain about things like safety caps on pill bottles and child proof locks but those things are there for our protection, and you and I need to be protected from some things – from outside forces, and from ourselves.  We are going to fall down, we will get knocked down and we will sin, but when that happens we don’t fall into a place of oblivion. 

Instead, God gives us a glorious safety net in His tender care, a place where we are given a safe place to land and are protected from permanent harm. It’s a word I have trusted in and exercised a lot as His child. Deuteronomy 33:27 says, “The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms.”  Whatever may happen to us, we have the best of protectors and defenders.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What tribe sent out five spies to check out its land?

Answer:  Dan  (Judges 18:1-28)

Storytime: I made her food!

Just one more thing!

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