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Morning Devotional:

There are three words that when combined, send me into a panic:  I don’t know.

I have never been much for the unknown. If I were to read a mystery novel I would jump forward to the end of the book to find out who committed the crime. Set a problem in front of me and I can be relentless in pursuing the answer. When I can’t find an answer or worse yet, can’t commit the time to investigate, I get frustrated. I am a person who profoundly dislikes the unknown. 

This makes my walk with the Lord challenging at times because He doesn’t always tell me what I want to know about what lies ahead. I see an obstacle coming and I want to know how He’s going to get it out of the way, but when God tells me to be patient and trust Him?  It’s hard – and that’s when I have to lean on things like faith, trust, and the knowledge that He is a good Father who takes care of His children.

In chapter 4 of his epistle, James writes, “You do not even know what will happen tomorrow.”  Very true, right?  So how about we approach today, and our tomorrows, knowing that God knows the plan for us and we don’t have to.

– Beth

Burning Question:

A holiday has been declared in your honor.  How would you want it celebrated?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What was Peter’s original name?

Answer:  Simon (John 1:42)

Storytime: Zebedee’s Glove

Just one more thing…

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