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Morning Devotional:

I am always surprised by what I learn about my relationship with God from children.

Perhaps this has happened to you. You’re in line at the grocery store, waiting to check out. You’re in the lane with all the candy, and in line in front of you is that exhausted mom or dad rushing to get all of the groceries out of the cart and onto the conveyor belt so the cashier can do his or her thing. Meanwhile, there’s the kid… and the candy… and the kid bugging Mom or Dad incessantly about how much they want that candy. “I want it!!! I NEED it!!!” Pleeeease?!?!”

I need it. Three words we tend to say a lot. We certainly did as kids, right? We needed that candy bar or that popular toy that all of our friends had. As we get older, the things we need change. We need bigger cars, nicer houses, better jobs, or the latest gadget or gizmo to hit the market. I’ve been telling myself I need a new e-tablet for some time now. Do I have it yet? No, and that’s because I realized my need wasn’t as great as I thought it was a few months ago.

If we are going to talk about what we need in this life, there is not a day that goes by where we are not in need of the Lord. We need Him to fill us and strengthen us for what lies ahead, and the great thing is that He does. When we seek the Kingdom of God first and His righteousness, His word says in Matthew 6:33 that “all these things will be added to you.” What we truly need in this life is Jesus.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What is your love language? When you first figured it out, did it teach you anything about yourself?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  In which book of the Bible does it say that the followers of Jesus will be able to pick up serpents?

Answer:  Mark  (Mark 16:17-18)

Storytime: They are Freezing Daddy!

Just one more thing…

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