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Morning Devotional:

I remember the first time communion became intensely meaningful for me. It was a few months after I came to know Jesus as my savior and it was the first opportunity I had to take part in communion as a believer. It was also the first time I saw communion with an actual loaf of bread.  The pastor made a seemingly big deal about that loaf, holding it high above his head and splitting it in half as he read the scripture from 1 Corinthians 11, “This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”

What was interesting to me about that moment was the condition of the bread.  The crust of the bread was hard, so the pastor had to really work to break it open.  The halves of the loaf were crushed by his hands. Crumbs fell everywhere.  The sound of the crust breaking was somehow deafening to me.  That, combined with the new revelation in my heart and spirit of just how crushed and broken Jesus’ body was at his crucifixion left me undone. 

During that service, our pastor also called the entire congregation up to the altar to take communion as a family – because in Christ, that is who we were and are. Receiving that bread and taking in the wine that day sealed in me forever that truth. I hope and pray that this weekend you will take the time to remember and know what Jesus did for you, and make Him your Savior, too. 

– Beth

Burning Question:

What is your church doing this weekend?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who was the first person to see Jesus’ empty tomb?

Answer:  Mary Magdalene  (John 20:1)

Storytime: Korban’s Brownies

Just one more thing…

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