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I have encountered many Christians who have a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the state of Christianity in the United States today.


I have been one of them. 


We’ve all seen the polls and lamented the falling numbers. There are even many people who say we are living in a post-Christian world.


But is it really?


According to Google’s AI robot (or whatever you call whatever generates this data): “Christianity is growing faster than the world’s population, and is expected to surpass 3 billion adherents by 2050. In 2023, the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary estimated that there were over 2.6 billion Christians worldwide, and projected that number to increase to 3.3 billion by 2050. This growth is attributed to high birth rates and conversions in the Global South, particularly in Asia and Africa. Some countries where the Christian population is expected to increase the most by 2050 include Guatemala and Mexico.” 


There are more Christians on this planet right now than any other religion, and it is growing in places even where it is outlawed, like China and North Korea. Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus in record numbers.


So we really should be enthused because, at its root and core, the origin of that word is “entheos.” It means to have God within. 


And here’s the point –while the polling numbers for Christianity in the United States and more affluent countries don’t look all that great, there are individual churches where the Holy Spirit is moving in power right in our backyards and enthusiasm is not in short supply at all.


For example, this past Sunday I attended Church on the Lawn at the East Chain Evangelical Free Church. This is not a mega-church, but there were three hundred people on the lawn worshipping and singing praise to God. This is at a rural church on a gravel road fifteen miles from any major town. They have live music and excellent preaching straight from the Word of God. There was free food (Pork chop on a stick!) and free ice cream –and they baptized four adults the day I was there.


Pastor John Fox said this all started during COVID. With mandatory social distancing, services were moved out onto the lawn and it just grew from there. He said it seems there are some people who are perfectly happy to come and worship and hear a message on the lawn, but will not walk through a set of church doors. 


There was an enthusiasm –a filling of God and the Holy Spirit– present that day. There was joy and a sense of family, a sense of belonging.


And I had a conversation with a nice lady named Cyndi that made me think we should be telling more and more people about how the LORD and His Holy Spirit are moving in power all over the world, but especially right here in our own backyards.


How about you? Have you seen God moving in power anywhere near you? Drop a line in the comments and let others know about it to encourage and enthuse the Body of Christ!



Today’s Praise

Philippians 2:1 Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate?

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  • Rod Miller says:

    I’m spending a little time catching up on your Blogs while I’m manning our booth at the Sturgis Bike Rally! I immediately thought of the copious leather vests walking around draped on the shoulders of some VERY rugged people! Conspicuously displayed amongst various badges is one proclaiming Jesus!

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