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Decidedly Christian

By 11/16/2017No Comments

By Dan Jones


As we watch and hear the news each day, no one would argue that our society appears to be decidedly less and less Christian with each passing moment.

But a funny thing is happening.

People are listening to Christian radio.

More people. Everyday.

All across the country, people are tuning in to find what the Washington Post identified in a July 2014 article as “grace.”

That’s a funny word for a newspaper like the Washington Post to use.

People can get politics, “hard-hitting” news, and the latest trend from an enormous variety of sources today. Those things are everywhere. They flow like rivers of diet cola in our society and eventually, the artificial sweetener isn’t enough to cover up the underlying bitterness and artificial flavors.

But grace is harder to find.

Real grace is only found in real Christianity.

Real grace only comes from the love of a God who would send His own Son to die for us.

So, the growing number of people listening to Christian radio are looking for something that makes them feel good, but they want to genuinely feel good. They are not looking for “cheap grace.”

That’s why, when we look into what people want in Christian Radio, it’s not just good Christian music. That’s important, but people also want deep, solid teaching that’s firmly grounded in the Bible.

I’m sure none of this surprises any of you who listen to Kinship Christian Radio because you have seen it grow. You’ve seen the area it serves grow. You’ve seen it grow in the depth of the teaching it broadcasts and the quality of the music played over the air.

I’d even venture to guess you have a friend or family member who used to listen to secular radio who now enjoys the tapestry found on Kinship Christian Radio.

So, let me encourage you, brothers and sisters in Christ. You are not alone in being decidedly Christian. There are elements in our society who would have you believe that grace is on the ropes, but you and I know that the very gates of hell will not prevail against the kingdom of grace. And grace is a kingdom.

As Kinship Christian Radio celebrates your part in its ministry during Share-a-Thon, now is your time to actively participate. Whether that’s by prayer, phoning in to share your story of how the ministry has lifted you or others, or participating financially, let the Holy Spirit guide you.

But whatever you do, let it all be to His glory.


Today’s Praise

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe..” Hebrews 12:28 NIV

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