Uncategorized 11/06/2014 Right Now For he says, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the… kinship Love0
Uncategorized 10/30/2014 Right Spirit As a child, I remember being afraid of ghosts hiding under my bed or in… kinship Love0
Uncategorized 10/22/2014 Right Word Words have been a part of my life as far back as I can remember.… kinship Love0
Uncategorized 10/15/2014 God in a Box If you look back on the blog post for August 27 of this year, entitled… kinship Love0
Uncategorized 10/09/2014 Hardwired All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace… kinship Love0
Uncategorized 10/01/2014 Pot Blessing I am a huge fan of the church potluck. Actually, I have taken to calling… kinship Love0
Uncategorized 09/25/2014 Being the Light The question recently came up at a Bible Study I attended as to whether Christians… kinship Love0
Uncategorized 09/18/2014 Why Evil? One of the most common arguments from atheists is that all of the evil, pain,… kinship Love0
Uncategorized 09/11/2014 Slaves “Day Well Done” comes on Kinship Christian radio at 10:30 p.m. and is characterized by… kinship Love0
Uncategorized 09/04/2014 The Power of God It is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by… kinship Love0