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The Struggle

By 11/20/20142 Comments

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 NIV)

Things have not been going so well lately.

Yesterday, I told my wife I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the stuff that’s been going wrong.

But, I am not going to give the enemy of my soul the satisfaction of typing out a list of whining about that stuff.

 Don’t get me wrong. I’m not giving credit to the enemy for my troubles. At least one of them is my own fault and the rest are things that have happened just because they are the unavoidable result of things wearing out.

 As I was mulling over my woes this morning while driving to work, Announcer Steve Ware played a song by Holly Starr called “God Is.”

When all you see is here and now

and everything  is crumbling, falling the ground
this is just is a moment this is not forever.
But God is, God is,
greater than the fear you’re facing,
greater than the storm that’s raging.

The problems I have are temporary and passing away. They are momentary in the light of eternity and I absolutely refuse to let any of them diminish the glory that is due the LORD our God.

So, my response will be to praise the one true God!

Thank you, LORD, for creating the universe, the earth, and everything in it that shouts praises to your incredible wisdom, your indescribable beauty, your amazing creativity, and your unending love!

Thank you, LORD, for the light you spoke into being! I praise you that every day dawns with a glowing proclamation of new mercies!

Thank you, LORD, for all the blessings you grant me each day that I take for granted but shouldn’t. Thank  you for clean water, for sanitation, for food, for clothing, for transportation, for housing, for freedom from parasites and disease that people struggled with for centuries  but now are largely forgotten because of your incredible love and mercy.

Thank you, LORD, for all these conveniences around me that make my life so much easier. I thank you that you gave people the ability to conceive of, refine, and produce devices that make our lives easier than they have ever been since Eden. I praise you even when they fail because it reminds me that nothing made by human beings will ever be as perfect as you are, LORD! 

Thank you, LORD, for health for my family and I and your protection over us!

Thank you, LORD that you have set me in the midst of a free society where I can openly praise you and proclaim your great glory!

 Thank you, LORD, for the ministry you have given me in my work to love you and love others by serving them.

Thank you, LORD, for all the people in my life who help me with these minor, temporary struggles!

Thank you, LORD, for all the people in my life who love me even when my attitude does not honor you!

But most of all, THANK YOU LORD FOR JESUS!  Thank you that even though I am worthy of nothing good, out of your grace and mercy you sent your only begotten Son into this world to die on a cross for all my sins so that I and anyone else who truly believes in Jesus could spend all of eternity worshipping you and praising your holy name in the glory or your kingdom!

And thank you, LORD, that as I was driving home, Announcer Allen Jones played “The Struggle” by Tenth Avenue North. 


We are free to struggle
We’re not struggling to be free
Your blood bought and makes us children
Children, drop your chains and sing

Death is overcome and we are breathing!
Our stone hearts become flesh that’s beating!
Chains have been undone and we are singing!

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