Blog 05/08/2024 God’s Poetry "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we… Dan Jones 1 Love0
Blog 05/01/2024 Light of the World Jesus was Light of the World at creation, Jesus is the Light who came into… Dan Jones 0 Love0
Blog 04/24/2024 Casting Stones Upon the Water Sunday night just after supper, the wind went down to nothing and it was clear… Dan Jones 1 Love1
Blog 04/17/2024 Coffee and Joy As I stepped into Kinship Radio's 15th Annual Day for Women at Hosanna Lutheran Church… Dan Jones 0 Love0
Blog 04/10/2024 The Stewardship Scale At one point in my life, my family was very sure that if there was… Dan Jones 1 Love0
Blog 04/04/2024 Now What? Did you know there is a name for the fifty days between Resurrection Sunday and… Dan Jones 1 Love0
Blog 03/27/2024 King With Holy Week before us, there is a moment in one part of it I… Dan Jones 1 Love0
Blog 03/20/2024 Love Be the Loudest (Sign up NOW!) I have made no secret of my love for the love of God. I've… Dan Jones 0 Love0
Blog 03/12/2024 Spring Up Again As I pulled into the yard late on this amazingly beautiful day, the first robin… Dan Jones 2 Love0
Blog 03/06/2024 Holy Spirit Tsunami We've all had it happen to us. We read a passage of Scripture we've read… Dan Jones 2 Love0