Uncategorized 03/01/2018 Wide, long, high, and deep. by Dan Jones I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you… Dan Jones 1 Love0
Uncategorized 02/22/2018 From, Through, For. By Dan Jones For from him and through him and for him are all things.… Dan Jones 0 Love0
Uncategorized 02/15/2018 Six Billion Swords by Dan Jones Kinship Christian Radio is solidly founded on prayer and the Word of… Dan Jones 0 Love0
Uncategorized 02/08/2018 Praise Break! by Dan Jones Perhaps you've heard Steve Ware's 60-second promo on Kinship Christian Radio advocating… Dan Jones 1 Love0
Uncategorized 02/01/2018 Why Man Needs God by Dan Jones SRN News recently had a news story, which you may very well… Dan Jones 0 Love0
Uncategorized 01/25/2018 Poof! by Dan Jones Is your church worthy of being blown up and bulldozed? Mission Network… Dan Jones 0 Love0
Uncategorized 01/18/2018 The Sword by Dan Jones I have just finished reading "The Invisible War" by Chip Ingram. The… Dan Jones 0 Love0
Uncategorized 01/11/2018 Ol’ Doubting Thomas By Dan Jones This past Saturday at 11:00 a.m. on Kinship Christian Radio, the… Dan Jones Love0
Uncategorized 01/04/2018 Flab by Dan Jones I recently bought a treadmill, or as it otherwise known, a "clothes… Dan Jones 1 Love0
Uncategorized 12/28/2017 Silent Night by Dan Jones For a lot of people, "Silent Night" is the essential Christmas song.… Dan Jones 0 Love0