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A Prayer for the Times

By 05/29/2014No Comments


Lord, mighty and everlasting God, we praise you. You are our Father. You have created us, redeemed us, and saved us by your grace. We thank you and bless your holy name.

Lord, in all things, let your will be done. You alone are worthy of our praise. Your will alone are righteous and perfect. Let it be that your kingdom would come, oh LORD! Let your will be done here on this earth just as it is already done in heaven.

Mighty God, we pray for the leaders of our world. We thank you for good and godly leaders and ask that you would guide them with wisdom and the resolve to do your will alone.  For those who have set their heart against you, Lord, we pray that the love of Jesus would wash over them like a mighty river and that they would come to have faith and trust in Him alone.

We ask your mercy on all the believers, on all your children all over the world who are persecuted, tortured, and killed. We ask that the leaders of the nations who allow this would come to faith in Jesus Christ. Lord, we ask that they would not be cursed, but that they would be blessed with your Holy Spirit softening their hearts that they would be saved. 

We pray that the Holy Spirit would move in power over the face of the whole earth, over great numbers of people from every tribe, every tongue, and every race and that a great time of repentance, awakening, and revival would come into being.

Thank you, Lord.

We thank you for our daily bread, given to us out of the abundance of your love.  We ask that this bread would be physical as well as spiritual—that we would be fed and blessed both to our bodies and our souls.  We pray that there would be a renewed interest in your Word, the Bible.

We ask that your people would generously and with joy take it upon themselves to share their daily bread to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, minister to those in any kind of need, and bless and comfort all who hunger and thirst—whether it be in their bodies or their souls.

Thank you, Lord.

We ask that you would forgive us when we sin, LORD, and help us to forgive others with the deep, amazing love Jesus showed us when He went to the cross. Help us, LORD, to love you with all our heart, souls, and minds and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Father, Abba, LORD, please lead us on paths well-lit with the light of Jesus. Grant us eyes to see that path and ears that hear and recognize your voice. Lead us where you would have us go and grant us the courage to follow without being afraid of anything, even the valley of the shadow of death. Help us to remember to glorify you in all we do and say. Help us to remember your rod and your staff. Help us to trust in you above all things and grant us the faith to move mountains of unbelief, worry, and doubt.

We thank you for all forms of ministry Lord, which proclaim the true gospel of Jesus Christ. We ask that you would bless, guide, and protect all people and organizations involved in these missions, whether they be next door or on the other side of the world.

We ask that any who would preach to itching ears, Lord, would receive your loving rebuke and correction and that they would come to know and preach the truth.

We ask that this world would be turned around and delivered from the evil which seems bent on overcoming us, Father God. We earnestly pray that we would be granted hearts that seek to overcome evil with the good that is in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

For yours, Oh LORD is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Today’s Praise

For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory. (2 Corinthians 1:20 ESV)