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I recently heard a woman say she and her husband were “living their faith out loud.” 


It’s not an uncommon phrase. There’s a book, a magazine, a video channel, and (of course) a website by that name.


But the phrase stuck with me because so many of us (me included) seem so prone to living out our faith almost in secret –like we could be shipped off to prison if we were caught preaching the Gospel. 


Meanwhile, there’s a missionary I know of in Nepal who had an encounter with a police officer who warned him that continuing to share the gospel in his area of Nepal could lead to imprisonment. With a smile he responded, “Please do so, for I seek opportunities to share the gospel even with prisoners.”


The officer was amazed.


In Romans 12:11, Paul writes:


“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”(NIV)


Prophecies about Jesus foretold that He would  be zealous, especially for the house of the LORD. (Psalm 69:9)


And, even as you read this, people all over the Kinship Radio listening area are living their faith out loud with their faith gifts. Listeners like you are participating in Share by relating their faith stories, giving witness to the power of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit by telling how the ministry of Kinship Radio has worked and moved in their lives, volunteering at our sites all across the listening area, and making themselves available to the ministry in many, many ways. 


Kinship Radio has long been blessed with supporters who live their faith out loud, not only with their actions, but with their prayers. 


You have been, and continue to be, very zealous for your faith. 


And it shows. 


From very humble begins forty years ago, the Kinship Radio listening area now covers an area where over a million people reside. If you count the potential listeners who could be hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ via our internet connection, it’s billions.


Just last weekend, an earthquake shook Nepal and killed over 150 people. This did not shake the faith of the missionary I mentioned earlier. If anything, he is even more zealous to spread the Gospel because he was not able to bring those people the Good News to them before they perished. 


I think as we look around us, it’s not just earthquakes that are shaking our world. We should all have a sense of urgency about sharing the Gospel because the time grows shorter with each passing day. Kinship Radio is an effective, efficient way to share the Gospel.


Even as the ground trembles beneath our feet, we can have an unshakable faith because we have been given the tools to tell millions –even billions– about the One who lived His faith so loud that He was obedient unto death –even death on a cross.


Today’s Praise


Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (NIV)



(Photo by anonymous source inside Nepal.)


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