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Have you ever had Scripture haunt you?


I mean, like a Bible verse that just keeps springing up in your life?  You see it one place and think, “Yes, that’s a wonderful verse.” And, two days later, there it is again. Then later that same day, BOOM, somebody posts that same verse right smack-dab in the middle of what you’re doing. And this continues, and continues…


Isaiah 43:19 as been doing that to me for months and months:


“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” (ESV)


Even before the pandemic officially ended, even before I was able to go back to Israel, even before the Radios for Africa campaign, even before the revival at Asbury, that verse has been living in my head and my heart for a long, long time.  I checked the blog archives and found I used that very same verse for the theme of the very first blog of 2022!


It’s kind of spooky.


But then, we all know a ghost, now don’t we? (A Holy one.)


And on this very day, March 1, Kinship Radio is announcing its new Spring Up event, based on that very verse!


So, what’s the big deal? What is the LORD of Hosts, the King of the angel armies, up to with Kinship Radio?


How about something like SIX brand-new shiny radio stations? How’s that for something amazing, glorious, and wonderful springing up?


Three of the stations: KJWC in Hampton, Iowa; KJGA in Osage, Iowa; and KJLW in Winnebago, Minnesota are scheduled to go on the air sometime in the near future. The other three stations: KJCA, KJRX, and KJBG will begin broadcasting in the next two years. KJGA and KJLW will broadcast in Spanish. All will be part of the Kinship family, broadcasting worship and the Word proclaiming the life-giving message of Jesus as LORD! 


As loyal Kinship Radio listeners, you know those call letters stand for something and I’m sure you’d like to know, so here we go:


KJWC: King Jesus Wonderful Counselor

KJGA: King Jesus God Almighty

KJLW: King Jesus Living Word

KJCA: King Jesus Christ Almighty

KJRX: King Jesus Redeemer Christ

KJBG: King Jesus Be Glorified 


The exact time frame for when these stations begin broadcasting is kind of up to you and me, the listeners and supporters whose donations make Kinship Radio’s part in the Great Commission possible. 


You will be hearing more about this all spring on your radios, with a special on-air event planned for April 19 and 20. 


Today’s Praise

Isaiah 61:11

The Sovereign LORD will show his justice to the nations of the world. Everyone will praise him! His righteousness will be like a garden in early spring, with plants springing up everywhere. (NLT)



And here’s an audio clip from this morning’s broadcast announcing this glorious news: 

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