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The Seven Pillars of Prayer

By 05/28/2013No Comments

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all
sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good
.-2 Corinthians 9:8

While the National Day of Prayer has since passed, we will continue to
ask believers to pray for the seven pillars of prayer recommended by
organizers of that event.  Kinship Christian radio is sponsoring an event
called “Crosswalk” where people commit to walk and pray. Some form
groups and enjoy fellowship. Some walk by themselves. There is more
information here:

In this, the final week, we urge prayer for business.

Business in America is changing and has been doing so for quite some
time. According to the US Census Bureau, 23.4% of the population
held jobs in manufacturing in 1940 and it was the largest part of the
economy. By 2010, the percentage employed in manufacturing was
less than half that, at 10.4%. In 2010, the single largest category in the
economy was Education, Health Care, and Social Services at 23.2%.
Another 10.6% are employed in Professional, Scientific, Management,
Administrative, and Waste Management Services.
In 1940, 18.5% of the population was employed in agriculture. Today,
it’s between two and three percent.
Clearly, we as a country are doing a lot less of making our living by the
sweat of our brow. (Genesis 3:19)
And, although economists are claiming we are in recovery from “The
Great Recession” unemployment is still high and many have simply
quit looking for work. Again, according to the US Census Bureau, more
than 16% of the US population lives in poverty—the highest level since
1993 and approaching the levels of the 1960’s that lead to the “War on

Organizers of the National Day of Prayer suggest we pray for divine
intervention in our national, state, and local economies. They suggest
we ask that God would raise up Godly business leaders and create
industry to provide honest employment and generous provision for
individuals and families in our communities. Also suggested is praying
for local business people by name.

Today’s Praise

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

(The Common Doxology, by Thomas Ken, 1674.)