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By 10/02/2012No Comments

John 3:13 (NASB)
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
One of the things I pray for each day is revival.
It’s happened before. Recent periods of revival include 1727, 1792, 1830, 1857, 1882 and 1904. More recent revivals include those of 1906, the 1930s, and 1970s.
I firmly believe our country, and the world for that matter, is definitely in need of a return to God.
God says His Word never returns void—that it always accomplishes the purpose for which it was intended. (Isaiah 55:11)
He also says we should not be overcome by evil, but that we should overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:21)
As a Christian, I also believe the love of God is the most incredible, awesome, powerful force in all the universe. We were created in love, God provides for the just and the unjust in love, and Jesus Christ died and rose again  purely out of love for us.
I also believe God uses His people to do His will. (That would be you and me.)
So how do we get the Word out that Jesus loves you? How do we tell the world how much God loves them and wants each and every person to have not only eternal life, but an eternal life in a place of unimaginable beauty and joy?
Consider this:
In 2008, there were 262.7 million wireless subscribers.
Those subscribers sent 75 billlion text messages in 2008.
In 2008, the average teenager sent 3,339 text messages per month.
By 2010, an estimated 6.1 trillion text messages were being sent per year.
Also in 2010, Americans sent 294 million emails per day, or 90 trillion emails per year.
Clearly, we have never had a greater ability to witness for Christ in the history of the world.
What if every Christian who could was to send a John 3:16 text to just one person who might not believe? What if we sent a John 3:16 email to just one person we weren’t quite sure was going to heaven.  
I agree, we might annoy some people.
Yes, we might have to tell whoever received it why we sent it. Yes, we might be uncomfortable doing so. Yes, we might struggle for the words.
God gave us an app for feelings like that:
Romans 1:16 (NKJV)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God to salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
I am willing to take the risk of annoying someone—especially if I find even one of those formerly annoyed people standing next to me in heaven singing and worshipping God forever.
How about you?
Today’s Praise
Worthy is the Lamb
Seated on the throne.
We crown you now with many crowns
You reign victorious!
High and lifted up
Jesus, Son of God
Partial lyrics from “Worthy is the Lamb” written by Darlene Zschech