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Morning Devotional:

I tried to call an office where I needed to get a piece of information three separate times yesterday and each of those three times were the times that ended up being the worst times I could have called. Why, you might ask? When I needed assistance, the person that had the answer I needed wasn’t there to give it to me.  I had missed the individual by a matter of minutes. They were either not in the office yet, out to lunch, or had already left for the day.

We have all had those moments when we have missed the perfect opportunity for something to happen. Those perfect moments come and go and we wonder if there will be another opportunity to get it right. Will there be a chance for a do-over, or did my moment pass me by?

Our need for God’s grace is not limited to a single moment or season of life. It is a lifelong journey of dependence on Him. That’s why I find myself so glad for the word we have in Psalm 23:6, where the Psalmist declares, “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.” God’s grace and love follows me – I don’t have to go find it!  God’s grace is a constant companion, ready to guide and sustain us through all the ups and downs of life.  There’s always access to God’s grace, and the timing you choose to call on it is always right.

– Beth

Burning Question:

It’s ancestor appreciation day. Tell us a story from your roots.  What did one of your ancestors do?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What church was Silas from?

Answer:   Jerusalem  (Acts 15:22)

Storytime: Bad Communication Fixed

Just One More Thing

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