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Morning Devotional:

Do you know what is really awkward at times?  Silence.  Silence is definitely a bad thing in radio but consider some other examples.  If you have children in your home and you suddenly hear nothing, would you assume trouble might be brewing?  When I can’t hear the tags on my dog’s collar jingling, I wonder what she might be getting in to, and if I can’t hear my dog snoring at night, I’m checking for signs of life!  I’m also a person who likes noise around me.  I grew up in the city so the sounds of traffic have always had a soothing effect on me.  I think that’s why I tend to get antsy when I am confronted by silence from God.

I have come to understand that times of silence from God are there for a purpose and when they come, they are for my good. They may be to allow me to receive rest or restoration.  God may grow quiet before He reveals answers to our prayers.  If we are putting our hope in Him, we can be comfortable with a little silence, just as the writer of Psalm 62 has: “Truly my soul waits in silence for God; from Him comes my salvation.”

– Beth

Burning Question:

What topic are you tired of hearing about?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What kind of head covering did a priest wear?

Answer:  A turban or mitre.  (Exodus 28:39)

Storytime: I caught him being mature!

Just one More Thing

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