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Morning Devotional:

My youngest niece Trista’s birthday is coming up in the next few days. It’s a big one, too – the one where she finally gets to take her driver’s license exam. She is one of the sweetest and bravest young women I know, but she wasn’t always that brave.

I found a photo I took of my three nieces when we went to Como Zoo years ago. Trista was barely walking at that time but she was having a blast walking through the grounds. When she came up to a drainage grate in the sidewalk, though, she suddenly got scared. It was only about eight inches wide, easy for her to simply step over, but She did not know what to do about this cavernous space in front of her. I remember her stopping in front of it and starting to cry, frightened to take the next step. I ended up coming to her rescue, of course – I took her hand, helped her cross over the grate, and we were quickly on our way. 

When we find ourselves up against an obstacle, our heavenly Father does not leave us stranded. Quite the contrary!  He helps us overcome them. Psalm 121 reminds us that our help comes from the Lord and that He will not let us slip and fall. He will carry us through.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What cool thing have you done to appreciate your pastor in the past?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Whose name means “son of encouragement?”

Answer:  Barnabas (also known as Joseph – Acts 4:36)

Storytime: He just wanted some instruction.

Just one More Thing

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