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Morning Devotional:

When I got home yesterday afternoon and tried to take a nap, I kept hearing this really weird noise. It was this odd clacking noise that would rapidly repeat and then stop for a while. It would get louder and faster, and I was going crazy trying to figure out what it was and where it was coming from. I got up and started to search for it, only to find out it was coming from my neighbor’s front yard. A plastic daisy lawn ornament had tipped slightly, causing its petals to hit the siding of the house every time it spun in the wind.

My search for the source of the offending noise provided me an interesting object lesson. The persistence of this little annoyance motivated me to get off my feet and do something about it, just like those who are persistent in prayer searching for answers. In Luke 18 we find a widow with a similar persistence. She was making some noise demanding some justice and her request was granted. It’s a great lesson for us about prayer. When we pray and never give up, the Lord will be moved to act on our behalf.  Don’t stop praying!

– Beth

Burning Question:

What strategies for combating stress work for you?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  In what book of the Bible is this quote:  “Lift up your heads, O ye gates?”

Answer:  Psalms   (Psalm 24:7)

Just One More Thing

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