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Morning Devotional:

Where is this guy!  When our family moved to Mankato 3 years ago, we really wanted to live in the city, but everything seemed either out of our price range or just to small.  The solution came in the form of a triplex.  So Our house is mostly ours, but we have 2 studio apartments that we rent out to help cover the mortgage payment

One thing that comes with that tough, is having to fill them when they are empty, probably my least favorite part of the job.   We advertised the vacancy on various online platforms. While we received initial interest, we were often left disappointed by those who scheduled showings and then failed to appear. Over and over again

One instance stands out particularly vividly. A potential tenant scheduled a showing for 11:00 AM on a Saturday. As the time approached, I sent a message to confirm their arrival. By 11:30 AM, I received a response, apologizing for oversleeping and promising to arrive within 30 minutes. However, as the clock ticked past 3:30 PM, no one showed up. Finally, around 345 PM, I received another message, “Almost there!!!”

Rushing to prepare for their arrival, I anxiously waited outside our home. By 4 PM, a message popped up: “I’m out front!” However, upon stepping outside, I found the street deserted. I responded, “I’m standing out front. Come on over.” But that was the last I heard from the guy.

The situation left me feeling frustrated and perplexed. Was this individual simply wasting my time, or was there a legitimate reason for their no-shows? Despite the annoyance, I reminded myself to remain patient and understanding, recognizing that life can throw unexpected curveballs.

After a few weeks, God answered our prayers. A suitable tenant emerged. Our patience had been rewarded, and our rental units were once again fully occupied. At least until next time.  

Life often presents us with situations that test our patience and faith. When faced with delays and setbacks, it’s easy to feel discouraged and doubt God’s plan. However, we must remember that He is always in control, and His timing is perfect. And we need to keep our cool, knowing that the people that are making us angry are also made in his image, and need to know Jesus.

Ryan Freed

Burning Question:

What is your biggest concern going into Next Week?

Bible Quiz:

Question: What book of the Bible Portrays God as having Wings and Feathers?

Answer: Psalm 91:4

Storytime: Found It!!!

Just one More Thing

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