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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

What made you change your mind?

Morning Devotional:

What happens when the warning system is broken?  Last week during the tornado warnings, We almost missed them at my house, because we could barely hear the warning siren. I think the eagle eared Zebedee and my wife were the only two that actually heard them.  Usually, it’s quite loud.  I don’t know if the siren near our house was malfunctioning or what.  We did get the warning quick enough to get in the basement and a tornado didn’t materialize, but it made me think about warning systems, and warnings we need to hear and respond to.  …Just like a malfunctioning siren, we can sometimes become deaf to the warnings around us. Life throws challenges our way, whispers of discontent turn into shouts of frustration, and yet we miss the signs. But thankfully, God doesn’t rely on faulty sirens.

Proverbs 2:1-5 (NIV) tells us: “My son, pay attention to my words, listen closely to my sayings. Let them penetrate your heart, for they are life for those who find them, health to one’s whole body. For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will please you; discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.”

God’s word is our constant warning system. Through scripture, prayer, and the guidance of others, He speaks to us. Let’s not miss His voice. Let’s open our hearts to His wisdom and find the shelter He offers during life’s storms.


Bible Quiz:


What King of Judah had 14 wives?


Abijah 2 Chronicles 13:21

Storytime: She Sang her Heart out!

Just one more Thing!

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