The Burning Question:
It’s Law Day! When did you suddenly realize that you were breaking the law?
Morning Devotional:
Years ago, my pastor’s wife shared a great description for praying in tough seasons.
“Sometimes it feels like you’re plowing through concrete.”
At the time she coined the phrase I thought she was absolutely right as our church was praying through some really hard stuff. That imagery never left me as through the years, I’ve been through many a season where it felt like my prayers were only scraping a hard surface and showed no sign of turning up sod.
I was feeling that way just the other day. I was taking a very specific set of prayer requests to the Lord yet again when I looked out my window and saw what to me could only be a message from God. It was a commercial truck from a masonry company that specialized in – get this – concrete lifting.
It was the encouragement and instruction I needed from God – another image from Him telling me to hand it all over to Him and keep doing it, and that He would be faithful. Romans 12:12 says, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.” It may feel like plowing concrete, but you will see a great crop come from your faithful prayers.
– Beth
Bible Quiz:
Question: Who wrote a letter recommending Apollos to the Corinthian Church?
Answer: The believers at the Ephesian church (Acts 18:27)
Storytime: We found Yooperlite!