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Morning Devotional:

Did you ever have that moment growing up when you realized just how smart your parents were? I had that moment with my Dad. Dad chaperoned a camping trip my fifth grade class went on one spring and late Friday afternoon, one of my classmates lost a contact lens in an open grassy area near one of the cabins in the camp.  She needed to find it and we all wanted to get down on our hands and knees and find it but no, my Dad stopped us from looking for it.  Instead, Dad grabbed a bunch of long sticks and tree branches, laid them in a big circle around the area where we thought she lost the contact lens and told everyone to stay out of the circle for the rest of the day. After sunset, Dad and I went back to the lawn, Dad took out a flashlight and shined the light in the area inside the circle.  Sure enough, a quick reflection of light and before we knew it, the contact lens was found. Dad was the hero and I had the smartest father in the whole world.

I’ve always found it interesting how light illuminates things. It reveals things hiding in darkness, and it directs us to truth. What is to be our light in this life? Psalm 119 tells us: “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” It doesn’t take a genius to know that God’s word shows us the way we are to go. I will follow!

– Beth

Burning Question:

What are some great ideas for keeping kids busy this summer?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What kind of tree did Zacchaeus climb in order to see Jesus?

Answer:  Sycamore  (Luke 19:4)

Storytime: I’m turning into Duane!

Just One More Thing

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