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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

It’s National Stay Out of the Sun Day. When faced with difficulty, would you rather take precautions or avoid a situation altogether?

Morning Devotional:

There’s nothing that will wake a person out of their slumber quicker than the smell of something burning, especially when what’s burning is the dinner you painstakingly assembled.

Last night I had a hankering for a certain dish I hadn’t made in a long time. I had all the ingredients and the time I needed to prepare it, so I did. I put it in the oven, sat down to relax in my favorite chair and proceeded to fall asleep. Before I knew it, the smell of burnt cheese and marinara sauce had me rushing to the oven, attempting to save what I could of my meal. 

There is something to be said about the power of a scent. Smells can hold a lot of sway over people. They can spur us to action, trigger memories, and raise powerful emotions both good and bad, depending on the person and their individual life experiences. 

I can’t help but think the apostle Paul had this in mind when he wrote to the church in Corinth. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 2:15 that “we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” Those of us who understand the sacrifice Jesus made for us have the opportunity to be the “fragrance of Christ” – a witness and reminder of Him to other people. We draw others to Him or repel them by the way we live. Is your life one that leads others to Jesus Christ? Is our fragrance pleasing to God?

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What king saw a broken altar as a sign that God was speaking through a prophet?

Answer:  Jeroboam  (1 Kings 13:5)

Storytime: How Many Pumps do I need?  

Just One More Thing!

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