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Morning Devotional:

So we as Midwesterners know there are essentially two seasons, right?  Winter and road construction. Over the past two days, I have found myself with plenty of opportunities to maneuver through construction detours and one led me to my least favorite spot – a dead end. 

I thought I knew where I was going and I was absolutely sure I knew a better way around the maze of construction signs and orange cones than what the DOT had laid out. I mean, I’ve lived in the town for more than twenty years, right? I know where I’m going! But alas, I took one wrong turn and I found myself at the point where I could drive no further. There was no more road to travel, no right or left turn I could possibly take. All I could do was turn myself around and retrace my route to the missed intersection and travel the pre-assigned detour laid out before me. The route I disliked turned out to be the best.

Instead of leading the Israelites into a battle on the day they left Egypt, God directed his children into a dead end. Literally! He took them right to the shores of the Red Sea where they were stuck with the Egyptian army on their heels. Was this really the best way to go? Yeah, according to God, because there they would see His power in a way they would never have imagined possible! They would cross that sea on dry ground. 

When was the last time God took you on a detour or to a dead end to show you His power? God may be leading you to your Red Sea today. Trust Him, because He’s about to do something great!

– Beth

Burning Question:

What is the pesky annoyance in your life today?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who was Elijah’s personal servant?

Answer:  Elisha  (2 Kings 3:11)

Storytime:  I slept right through it!

Just one more thing

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