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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

When was a time you needed to focus on taking care of yourself?

Morning Devotional:

Ever had one of those moments where you realize someone sees you completely differently than you see yourself?

I was going for a walk last week—I’m in a 100-mile summer walking challenge—and I wasn’t paying much attention. At some point, a woman was walking towards me with her dog. As I got closer, I realized she was on the phone, you know, with headphones in, so it almost looked like she was talking to herself. But then she said, “I gotta go, Mom, there’s some creepy guy walking toward me.” Well, I immediately looked behind me—there must be someone else there, because I was walking towards her. It turned out she meant me… but she was joking. At this point, I recognized her as a young lady from church.

This little encounter got me thinking about how often we misinterpret situations or how others might see us differently than we see ourselves. It reminded me of how important it is to understand our identity in Christ. Sometimes, we may see ourselves in a negative light or worry about how others perceive us, but God sees us through the lens of love and grace.

In 1 Samuel 16:7, it says, “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.'” This verse reminds us that God’s perspective is different from ours. He sees our true selves and values us for who we are on the inside.

So, the next time you feel misunderstood or judged, remember that God’s view of you is what truly matters. He knows your heart, your intentions, and your true identity. Let’s strive to see ourselves and others through God’s eyes, embracing the love and acceptance He offers.


Bible Quiz:

Question:  Who brought Daniels gift of Prophecy to Belshazzar’s attention?

Answer:  The Queen or the queen mother Daniel 5:10

Storytime: Resurrected Turtle!

Just One More Thing!

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