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Morning Show

Morning Show Archive – Wednesday July 17th, 2024

By 07/18/2024No Comments

What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

It’s Wrong Way Corrigan Day.  When did you decide it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission?

Morning Devotional:

Hulda Erdman of Bismarck, North Dakota recently celebrated her 106th birthday and her story inspired me.

She was interviewed by the local television station and when the reporter asked her what her secret was to her long life, her answer was short yet profound. 

“My Lord,” said Hulda. “He just made me that old. Singing in the church choir and that kind of stuff.”

Hulda doesn’t know how to read sheet music and she taught herself how to play the piano by watching her brother do it. Watching her interview, you could tell she has spent a lot of time over the years making music to her Lord. 

A lot of times our perspective of worship can be limited to what we experience at church on Sunday mornings. We walk out of the service and say to one another, “Oh, the worship was great,” or “I didn’t get much out of the worship today.” The scriptures are clear about what worship really is. Worship is a lot deeper than the songs we sing. Worship is a personal expression of gratitude for all that He has given us, and it goes far beyond an assigned day and time. It is a sacrificial practice we are to take up continually. Worship is a lifestyle. 

One of my favorite scriptures in the Word is from Psalm 34 where it says, “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” The words all times and continually are a constant challenge to me, and a goal I am more than willing to pursue. If it takes me 106 years to do it, I will. In fact, I’ll go even longer. Eternity sounds about right.

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  What disciple outran Peter to Jesus’ tomb?

Storytime: Questionable Donuts…

Just One More Thing!

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