Burning Question:
What word do you say wrong?
Morning Devotional:
I got the phone call while I was wrapping up a few projects at the office yesterday.
“Are you still at work?” my friend asked me.
“Yes,” I replied.
“Are you interruptible by any chance?”
“Sure,” I said. “What’s up?”
“Great, because so-and-so is driving me absolutely crazy!”
Our conversation became lopsided as my friend proceeded to tell me about his day and his frustration with said so-and-so. About ten minutes into the call, my friend reached the end of his rant and proceeded to say the following:
“Thanks, Beth. I really needed that. I feel a lot better.”
Our call quickly ended after that and I was left asking myself, what just happened? Then it dawned on me. I had been re-introduced to the ministry of “just being there.”
You’ve likely been a recipient of this kind of ministry. The ministry of “just being there” occurs when that person shows up when you’re in need and is simply present for you. They care for your immediate needs. They listen when you need to talk or just sit there when you need to be with someone, but you also need silence. They are the person you can trust with your frustrations and fears, and they are the person who knows when they need someone right now, you are the one they can turn to because you are safe and interruptible.
It’s a tricky calling, this ministry of “just being there.” It’s also a ministry with a high calling, one that runs on the command given to us by Paul in Galatians to “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)
We are not meant to carry life’s burdens alone. We all need a little encouragement from time to time to get through the day. If the person needing encouragement is you, our Lord is always there to carry you through. If that person needs you, be willing to be interrupted. You can help them with their heavy load.
– Beth
Bible Quiz:
Question: Who did Peter heal of long-term palsy?
Answer: Aeneas Acts 9:33-34
Storytime: Tossing stuff over the fence.