Burning Question:
If you could hug a loved one in heave, who would it be?
Morning Devotional:
A few years ago, a travel company that ran an app did a number of surveys where they assigned happiness scores to various destinations around the world. Their findings were based on millions of photos of smiling faces posted on Instagram. Special software was used to detect patterns in photos to determine the location of the subject along with the quality of the subject’s smile.
The findings were fascinating! The happiest continent in the world was South America, with North America coming in second. The gloomiest continent? That would be Asia. Looking at U.S. cities, Saint Louis came in first, followed by Kansas City and Columbus, Ohio.
If you were to put a “smile score” on your hometown, how would it rate? What about your spiritual life? Those who have placed their faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of sin can experience true happiness. To have a heart freed from the guilt of sin is happiness. To have experienced God’s unmerited favor is definitely a reason to smile.
Paul says in Colossians 2:6-7, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
To know that your future in heaven is secured gives a whole new meaning to the word thankfulness. That’s a happiness that cannot be shaken by any circumstance on earth! I say it’s true joy!
– Beth
Bible Quiz:
Question: What did Isaiah see filling the temple when he beheld God sitting on his throne?
Answer: The train of His robe. (Isaiah 6:1)
Storytime: It was like Herding Cats!