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Morning Devotional:

Marriage is a gift from God, but it is not always easy. In our culture, we often see marriage idealized on television and in movies. However, the reality is that many marriages end in divorce. Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, addresses the question of marriage. He acknowledges that there are advantages to both being married and being single. For the unmarried person, there is freedom to serve Christ without the distractions of married life. However, Paul also points out that marriage is God’s design for most people. Marriage should never be entered into lightly. It is a sacred covenant that binds two people together for life. Whether you are married or single, Paul encourages you to live for God. Your relationship with Him is paramount. He will teach you joy and contentment, no matter your marital status.


Burning Question:

How did you propose, or how were you proposed to , or what is a great proposal story you’ve heard?  

Bible Quiz:

Question:  Which epistle tells sleepers to rise from the dead?

Answer: Ephesians 5:14

Storytime: Korban Loves Turtles Spoons and Ice Cream

Just one more Thing

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