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What Day is it?

The Burning Question:

 If you could start your own business, what would it be and why?

Morning Devotional:

I love the word “Free!!!” There’s just something about it that makes me willing to take a chance, even when there might be a catch.

Recently, we needed to get some mulch to put under our trampoline because the weeds were getting out of hand. The plan was simple: weed wack, rake it up, and cover it with fresh mulch. But if you’ve ever bought mulch, you know it can get pricey, especially when you need a lot. That’s when I remembered that some towns offer free mulch at their dump or recycling center, made from yard waste that folks bring in. To my delight, our town does that too.

Now, you have to understand, with free mulch, you get what you get. Sometimes it’s top-notch, but other times… well, let’s just say it comes with some unexpected bonuses—like walnuts, poison ivy, or even termites. But still, the allure of that magic word, “Free,” makes the risk worth it for me.

It’s funny how the word “free” can make us willing to take a gamble. We’re often drawn to things that cost us nothing, even if there’s a potential downside. But it made me think—what if we were just as eager to accept the greatest free gift of all, one that comes without any risk or hidden dangers? That gift is the grace of God.

In Romans 6:23, the Bible tells us, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Unlike my free mulch, God’s gift of grace and eternal life is perfect, pure, and comes without any strings attached. It’s the ultimate “free” offer, but it’s one that often gets overlooked or taken for granted.

So, the next time you’re tempted to chase after something just because it’s free, remember that God’s gift of grace is the best free gift you could ever receive. It’s a gift that won’t disappoint, won’t lead to unexpected problems, and won’t ever run out. All you have to do is accept it.


Bible Quiz:


When Samuel was offering a sacrifice, what did the Lord do to rattle the Philistines?


Thundered from Heaven 1 Samuel 7:10

Storytime: A Great Idea!

Just One More Thing!

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