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What Day Is It?

The Burning Question:

Morning Devotional:

I’m happy to report that the battle in my home appears to have been won, at least for now.

Last week I came home from a short trip away to find that my kitchen had been raided by mice. I immediately went to battle against the creepy little things, launching an all-out attack with every form of rodent artillery I could find. I’m happy to report my problem appears to have subsided. I can at least cook in my kitchen again without the feeling of sheer terror coursing through my veins. 

Situations like this always lend themselves to life lessons from the Lord and this was certainly no exception. Take for instance a trick I learned from an exterminator’s video about setting mousetraps. Did you know it is more effective to load a mouse trap with bait and put it in place without setting it for the first couple of days after you see evidence of mice?  That way you get the mice used to eating bait off of the trap before you actually set it and it springs on them. The mice become so focused on the food source they become oblivious to the danger they are in by eating it. 

Temptation is like that. You see what it is that you want and you feel the pull to go get it. Once you have it, you’re going to come back for more. The cycle begins again but this time the trap is sprung and you’re caught. How do you keep from falling into the trap? By knowing the truth. Paul says in 1 Corinthians, “God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” Our enemy is constantly at work but in Christ, you have everything you need to say, ”Devil, not today and not ever.”

– Beth

Bible Quiz:

Question:  According to Proverbs, who is as hard to restrain as the wind itself?

Answer:  A quarrelsome wife  (Proverbs 27:15-16)

Storytime: How Many Craisins does he need!!?!

Just one More Thing!

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