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Morning Devotional:

Every couple of months, I do something my dog does not appreciate. I take her to the groomer. 

When you consider how small my dog is, you would think this would be a pretty quick and easy task. Alas, no – getting my dog bathed and trimmed is an hour long, two person job. Why?  She absolutely hates the process and resists it the entire time. 

When the bath water hits her body, she barks and howls. When the clippers touch her legs, she pulls them away. Bring the scissors near her face and she tries to bite you. It takes four hands to hold her little five pound body in place in order to groom her but when the process is over and her groomer places a cute little ribbon bow on her collar, she looks absolutely adorable. She even enjoys the chicken jerky treats she gets when she’s done. 

The Lord has certainly wanted to make a few changes in me over the years and I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have resisted them, just like my dog has fought against her grooming sessions. We’re reminded in Romans 8 that we are to be conformed to the image of Jesus, God’s Son, but yet we have issues with that thing called surrender. Let’s be willing to let God do his work on us, knowing that the end result will be great.

– Beth

Burning Question:

What is the most memorable dish you ever saw at a potluck?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  This is the first verse of which book of the Bible?  “How lonely sits the city that was full of people! How like a widow has she become, she who was great among the nations! She who was a princess among the provinces has become a slave.”

Answer:  Lamentations

Storytime: Food, Obviously!

Just One More Thing

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