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Morning Devotional:

I was never really a morning person until recently and saying that now is even a stretch.  I would much rather stay up until late at night than get up in the pre-dawn hours any day. My career choices changed that and it has made for some pretty interesting stories along the way in more than one job I have held. 

Shortly after college I worked at an ER desk at a local hospital. I enjoyed the work and loved my coworkers but the hours were overnight – the dreaded “graveyard” shift. The nights I worked were usually slow, long and tiring, and I would have to get creative at times to stay busy and yes, stay awake. The night would seem the darkest around 4:30 am. I never knew why but that was always the point in my shift when I thought I would never make it through. I remember praying for the time to pass and for the sun to rise – and when it did, it was the most wonderful sight to behold. I shouldn’t have been so worried, though. I knew the sun would rise and it is faithful to do so, each and every day. 

When our days seem the darkest and we don’t know when the light will come, that’s when we often feel the most defeated. But there’s a promise for us, a sunrise of sorts that comes from our unshakable, ever-faithful God. Psalm 30:5 says, “Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.”

– Beth

Burning Question:

What is the biggest concern on your mind today?

Bible Quiz:

Question:  This Babylonian god is mentioned by Jeremiah as being filled with terror after the downfall of Babylon.  What was his name?

Answer:  Marduk  (Jeremiah 50:2)

Storytime: They were the Good Cooks!

Just one More Thing

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