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Morning Devotional:

Over the Thanksgiving weekend I finally got to go up to my family’s cabin in northern Wisconsin. It has been several months since I have been there and my visit was long overdue. Our cabin is one of my favorite places to get away because it is in the middle of nowhere. There is just a lot of peace and quiet in the beauty of nature under a huge expanse of sky. 

I have always loved staring up at a night sky and this weekend’s display was gorgeous! The glow of the moon combined with the shimmer of a light snowfall made for the perfect backdrop for a one-on-one worship session between me and the Lord. When I am surrounded by the clutter of daily life I miss God, but when I get away from the distractions and get into His creation, I see God’s glory in all of its brilliance. I see His goodness, His faithfulness, and I find myself more fully aware of the presence of God.

Psalm 16:11 reminds us that in His presence there is fullness of joy. Sometimes finding that joy in our day is a matter of us seizing the moment to get into His presence. 

– Beth

Burning Question:

It’s Giving Tuesday.  Where can our money, service, and prayers do the most good for the cause of Christ?

Bible Quiz:

Question: What kind of wood was used to make the table in the tabernacle for holding the sacred bread?

Answer:  Acacia  (Exodus 25:23-30)

Storytime: Malachi’s difficult Assignment!

Just One More Thing

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